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FFA Horse Team Advances to State

The horse judging team included: Sophie Gustafson- 2nd Place Ind., Clara Lemarr- 4th Place Ind., Trisha Ludewig, Alexys Odegard, Ellen Windschitl, and Hana Zeig. The team placed 4th out of 9 teams.

Several Sleepy Eye FFA teams and individuals competed in Career and Leadership Development Events in the last few weeks. They included: Ag. Sales, Employment Skills, Food Science, and the Horse Team.

The Ag. Sales team members included: Alex Joramo, Carmen Lendt, and Jade Sellner. The purpose of the Minnesota FFA Agricultural Sales Career Development Event is to evaluate skills that are essential for an individual to be successful in the agricultural sales field. The process of selling agricultural products is essential for production and marketing of agricultural products. The product for 2021 was an Animal Health- Parasitic Control.

Sleepy Eye FFA had one member, McKenna Dockter, compete in an individual LDE (Leadership Development Event) called Employment Skills. This event is developed to help participants in their current job search (for SAE projects, internships, part-time and full-time employment). The contest parts included: Resume, Cover Letter, Application, Interview, and Follow Up Letter.

There was a new Food Science Team this year for Sleepy Eye FFA. The team members included: Chloe Dolly, Kayla Hecht, Isabella Kunkel, and Noemi Rodriguez. The Food Science and Technology Career Development Event requires students to have an in-depth understanding of food product development, food presentation and food safety issues. Participants also use their sensory skills to solve problems and make sound decisions.

For the Horse CDE, members judge halter classes, performance classes (western pleasure, hunt seat, English pleasure, western riding, western horsemanship, and trail), and also identify breeds, colors, markings, and tack.

The Horse team advanced to State Competition. All State FFA Competitions will take place virtually this year between April 19 and 30, 2021.

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