FFA Brightening Peoples Day

By: Carmen Lendt, Chapter Reporter
The Sleepy Eye FFA Officer team and members are finding ways to serve the community and brighten the days of the residents. So far, the officers created 150 cards for nursing home residents at Divine and the Sleepy Eye Care Center as well as Countryside. Officers and several other FFA members are now working on the next set of cards to be delivered to residents in June.
Seven officers including: Brennen Meyer, McKenna Doctor, Nayzeth Luna, Gracie Sellner, Leisha Martinez, Maddison Helget, and Morgan Hoffmann participated in road ditch clean up as a service project in late May.
Officers have also put up a sign along Highway 14 to share a new positive message each week. The Sleepy Eye FFA is continuing to find ways to serve this great community and brighten the days of the residents. They will be helping with the Second Harvest redistribution of food project on June 23 as well well.
CAPTION: Gracie Sellner, FFA Chapter Student Advisor, decorates cards to give to Divine, the Sleepy Eye Care Center or Countryside.