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FFA Best Informed Greenhand Team takes First at Regions

Nineteen Sleepy Eye FFA members competed in the Best Informed Greenhand Competition on Tuesday, Dec. 12. The participants included: l to r, front-  Aranza Tovar, Chloe Okerman, Kamille Capacia, Camryn Maher. Row 2: Ava Sellner, Carter Lazatin. Row 3: Paola Gonzalez, Makayla Strong, Breanna Lopez, Ethan Schwartz. Row 4: Kenley Jensen, Santi Martinez, Jacob Fulmer. Back: Shea Evers, Robert Romberg, Ethan Evans, Trevor Rathman, Gavin Fischer, Eli Christensen.

On Tuesday, December 12th, the regional competition for the Best Informed Greenhand (BIG) Career Development Events (CDE) was held in Windom along with several Leadership Development Events (LDE).

For the BIG Team competition, members took a written 50 question test to show their knowledge of FFA facts, parliamentary procedure, history, and important people in FFA.
The Sleepy Eye team placed 1st at the Region VI Contest out of 12 teams. The top members on the team included: Ava Sellner (1st place individual), Santi Martinez (3rd place individual), Ethan Evans (5th place individual), and Paola Gonzalez (7th place individual).

Other team members included: Camryn Maher, Clark Lazatin, Breanna Lopez, Makayla Strong, Jacob Fulmer, Trevor Rathman, Kamille Capacia, Kenley Jensen, Gavin Fischer, Eli Christensen, Shea Evers, Aranza Tovar, Chloe Okerman, Ethan Schwartz, and Robert Romberg.

Camryn Maher competed in the FFA Creed Competition. She placed 3rd out of eleven contestants and advanced to state competition.  In this contest, members are judged for their ability to present the five paragraphs of the National FFA Creed from memory and answer questions related to it.

Lily Kallevig competed in the Prepared Public Speaking Competition and placed 4th out of 8th participants. Student contestants write and deliver a six to eight minute speech related to agriculture. Speakers are judged on content and composition, delivery of the speech, and their ability to answer questions from the judges.

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