By: Leisha Martínez, Chapter Reporter
Winsten Nienhaus is in 9th grade and has been in FFA for three years. He originally joined FFA to get his family and himself more involved in the community, now he’s willing to do anything to hang out with his friends. Winsten is on the Poultry CDE team and he likes judging, looking at eggs, and identifying the meat cuts. For his SAE, Winsten works at Carl’s Corner where he prepares food and pizzas. One of his favorite FFA activities is playing volleyball during the high school meetings. Winsten is looking forward to our summer FFA and Timberland Camp. Through FFA and Ag. Classes, Winsten has learned more about poultry. The awards he is most proud of include the Discovery FFA Degree, Greenhand Degree, and Phoenix Award and Winsten was on the Jr. Officer Team.
Emma Braulick is in 10th grade and has been in FFA for two years. Emma joined FFA to get more involved with the school activities. She didn’t realize how much she would enjoy being involved and getting to learn about agriculture and leadership. Emma is on the Floriculture CDE Team. She joined the team because she loves learning about new things, plants, and especially flowers. Her favorite FFA activity is the FFA lock-in. Next year she’s hoping to make it to nationals, and attend more FFA trips, meetings and fun events. Emma has also learned that almost everything in the world is impacted by agriculture and how important it is to understand all the agricultural aspects. The awards Emma is most proud of is being on the 2nd place team in the state for Floriculture and getting 1st at Regions this year.
Morgan Hoffmann is in 11th grade and has been in FFA for five years. Morgan joined FFA because it has always been a part of her life. She’s always wanted to become a part of the FFA family and community. Morgan is serving as the President of the senior high Chapter Officer Team. She likes being a leader and a role model to others that can look up to her. Morgan is also on the Floriculture team and she has learned all about the different types of flowers and putting together different types of arrangements. Morgan’s SAE project is Agricultural Communications where she makes videos, creates social media posts to inform the public about ag and FFA, and does radio and TV interviews. She also began a new SAE by working in the Floral Department at HyVee. Her favorite FFA activities are the service projects and leadership camps. She is looking forward to summer events and doing more service projects. Through Ag. Classes and FFA, she’s learned to have more confidence in herself, as well as many skills that will help her in any future career. Morgan is proud of receiving the Blue and Gold Award, 2nd place in State for Floriculture, Sophomore Achievement Award and Star Greenhand.
Carmen Lendt is an 11th grader and has been in FFA for five years. She joined FFA due to her family being in FFA and she loves everything that FFA has done for the school, community and all the opportunities it has given to people. Carmen was a Chapter Reporter this year and will be serving as Secretary for our high school Chapter Officer Team in 2021-22. She likes being the secretary and she’s really looking forward to having a position with more responsibilities. Carmen’s CDE is Ag Sales and she likes the team due to the fact that it has really helped her to be more confident in talking to people. Her favorite activity is the FFA drive-in that we hosted in the fall after a meeting. Carmen is really looking forward to being an officer again next year and spending time with her teammates. FFA has helped her gain confidence and has given her so many opportunities. Carmen is proud of this Member of the Month Award.