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February’s Fantastic FFA Members

By: Katelyn Capacia, Chapter Reporter

Chloe Dolly is a seventh grader at Sleepy Eye Public School and has been in FFA for one year. She joined FFA because she thought it would be something fun to do. She is on the Food Science CDE Team and she likes it because she enjoys making the food. Her favorite FFA activity was going on the FFA bowling trip. Chloe is looking forward most to trapshooting. By being in FFA, she learned that it is fun to be involved in FFA activities. Chloe is most proud of her Member of the Month Award.





Sophie Kyllonen is an eleventh grader at St. Mary’s Schools and has been in FFA for two years. She joined FFA to grow her agriculture knowledge and make memories. She is on the Dairy CDE Team and she likes it because she likes being informed about dairy and what to look for in a cow. Sophie’s SAE is working at Roseview Dairy where she is in charge of scraping pens and helping out with daily chores. Occasionally, she helps milk and feed calves.  Her favorite FFA activity is the Animal Carnival. Sophie is most looking forward to the dairy judging competition.  By being in FFA, she learned more about how to manage and judge dairy cows. Sophie is most proud of her Member of the Month Award.



Kadon Strong is a twelfth grader at Sleepy Eye Public School and has been in FFA for six years. He joined FFA to take advantage of all of the fun activities. He was on the Fish and Wildlife CDE and he liked it because he enjoys learning about his favorite hobby, fishing. Kadon’s SAE is doing pig vaccinations for farmers in southern Minnesota. His favorite FFA activity is Trapshooting. Kadon is most looking forward to the State Convention. By being in FFA and Ag. Classes, he learned more about different animals, how to weld, and about landscaping and floriculture. Kadon is most proud of earning his State FFA Degree this year.




Gunny Coulson is a tenth grader at Sleepy Eye Public School and has been in FFA for four years. He joined FFA in order to gain leadership qualities that will be important in his adult life. One of Gunny’s SAE projects was designing, building, and finishing a desk to use as a part of his home workstation. His favorite FFA activity is the FFA bowling trip. Gunny is most looking forward to the Summer Ag. Tour and the summer Ag. classes. By being in FFA, he learned that there are many ways to serve in Sleepy Eye. Gunny is most proud of earning the Freshman Top Scholar Award and the 6 Star Leader Award in 2020.






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