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February FFA Members of the Month Announced

By: Chapter Reporter, Brooke Arneson 

Member of the Month

Conor Strong is in 11th grade and has been in FFA for 2 years. He joined FFA so that he could participate in all of the fun activities that are offered. His overall favorite FFA activities include the volleyball tournaments and lock-ins. Conor is most looking forward to joining the trap-shooting team in the upcoming year. From FFA, he has learned that teamwork is everything, and farming is an important part of our lives. Conor is proud of earning multiple ribbons from the crop show.

Member of the Month

Jon Baures is in 12th grade and has been in FFA for 6 years. He joined FFA because he really likes agriculture and it has helped him learn more about livestock, which is something he wants to work with after he graduates. For Jon’s SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience), he raises beef cattle on his family farm and then sends them to Nebraska to a processing plant where they get butchered. One of Jon’s favorite FFA activities is the lock-in. He is most looking forward to the State FFA Convention. From being in an agriculture class, Jon has learned about numerous other animals besides beef cattle. An award that he is most proud of earning is the Greenhand and Chapter Degrees.

Member of the Month

Rylee Jennissen is in 8th grade and has been in FFA for 2 years. She joined FFA to learn more and explore the different parts of agriculture. Rylee is on the Milk Quality CDE (Career Development Event) Team. She likes her CDE because she gets to be part of a team and work together with others to help each other learn. Rylee’s favorite FFA activity is the Milk Quality Competition. She is looking forward to the state competition for Milk Quality in April. From being in an agriculture class and FFA, Rylee has learned how important agriculture is to our economy. Rylee is most proud of her Discovery Degree and this Member of the Month Award.

Officer of the Month

Leisha Martinez is in 11th grade and has been in FFA for 5 years. She joined FFA to be more involved in school activities. She also joined because her whole family was in FFA, which influenced her to get involved at a young age. Leisha has been serving as the Reporter for our FFA Officer Team. As the Reporter, she enjoys capturing moments in FFA activities so anyone can look back at the photographs and remember all of the fun memories that were made. She is on the Nursery and Landscape CDE Team. Leisha likes the challenges that her CDE brings, and likes to learn about cool plants, trees, insects, and tools. Her favorite FFA activity is to make holiday cards for the nursing home residents. Leisha is looking forward to her CDE competition the most this year. By being in FFA, she has learned how to speak in front of people. A fun fact she also learned from being in an agriculture class is that octopuses have three hearts. Leisha is most proud of earning the Phoenix Award.

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