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Family Living Focus: Barbeque and Food Safety

Gail Gilman, Family Life Consultant, M.Ed., C.F.C.S. and Professor Emeritus, University of Minnesota      

Summer is here and it is time for cooking outdoors with family and friends.  It is important to follow food safety guidelines to prevent harmful bacteria from multiplying and causing foodborne illness.  Use these simple guidelines for grilling food safely.

From the Store: Home First
When shopping, buy cold food like meat and poultry last, right before checkout.  Separate raw meat and poultry from other food in your shopping cart.  To guard against cross-contamination

which can happen when raw meat or poultry juices drip on other food put packages of raw meat and poultry into plastic bags.

Plan to drive directly home from the grocery store.  You may want to take a cooler with ice for perishables.  Always refrigerate perishable food within 2 hours.  Refrigerate within 1 hour when the temperature is above 90 °F.

At home, place meat and poultry in the refrigerator immediately.  Freeze poultry and ground meat that will not be used in 1 or 2 days; freeze other meat within 4 to 5 days.

Thaw Safely
Completely thaw meat and poultry before grilling so it cooks more evenly.  Use the refrigerator for slow, safe thawing or thaw sealed packages in cold water.  You can microwave defrost if the food will be placed immediately on the grill.

A marinade is a savory, acidic sauce in which a food is soaked to enrich its flavor or to tenderize it.  Marinate food in the refrigerator, not on the counter.  Poultry and cubed meat or stew meat can be marinated up to 2 days.  Beef, veal, pork, and lamb roasts, chops, and steaks may be marinated up to 5 days.  If some of the marinade is to be used as a sauce on the cooked food, reserve a portion of the marinade before putting raw meat and poultry in it.  However, if the marinade used on raw meat or poultry is to be reused, make sure to let it come to a boil first to destroy any harmful bacteria.

When carrying food to another location, keep it cold to minimize bacterial growth.  Use an insulated cooler with sufficient ice or ice packs to keep the food at 40 °F or below.  Pack food right from the refrigerator into the cooler immediately before leaving home.

Keep Cold Food Cold
Keep meat and poultry refrigerated until ready to use.  Only take out the meat and poultry that will immediately be placed on the grill.

When using a cooler, keep it out of the direct sun by placing it in the shade or shelter.  Avoid opening the lid too often, which lets cold air out and warm air in.  Pack beverages in one cooler and perishables in a separate cooler.

Keep Everything Clean
Be sure there are plenty of clean utensils and platters.  To prevent foodborne illness, do not use the same platter and utensils for raw and cooked meat and poultry.  Harmful bacteria present in raw meat and poultry and their juices can contaminate safely cooked food.

If you are eating away from home, find out if there is a source of clean water.  If not, bring water for preparation and cleaning.  Or pack clean cloths, and wet towelettes for cleaning surfaces and hands.

If you would like more information on Barbeque and Food Safety” contact Gail Gilman, Family Life Consultant, M.Ed., C.F.C.S. and Emeritus University of Minnesota at  Be sure to watch for more Family Living Focus™ information in next week’s paper.              

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