Sleepy Eye ONLINE

EDA September Meeting Summary

by Kurk Kramer EDA Coordinator

The September EDA Board meeting was called to order by President Kathy Haala at 12:02PM.  The board members present were Mike Carr, Casey Coulson, Kathy Haala, Joann Schmidt, Toby Arneson, and Gary Windschitl.  Advisory board members present were Bob Elston, Wayne Pelzel, and Kurk Kramer.  There were two board members absent, Mark Kober and Christina Andres.

I presented the financial reports for the Revolving Loan Fund, Business Assistance/Rehab Fund, Active EDA Resources Report, and the 2021 EDA Program Disbursement Report.  These funds all have current and up to date balances.  The EDA Coordinator’s Report and the Chamber Director’s Report were also presented as written.

Old Business included my sharing an update on the progress that Chasing Our Tails is making in the former Del Monte building as well as the status of the sale of the former Del Monte ponds.  Bob Elston gave the Board an update on the status of the apartment project with Alliance Building Corp.  I also reported that I am almost finished with the details and criteria for advertising the Snow Second Addition lots to those interested developers in these properties.

New Business discussion included the former China 14 building being for sale and the condition that the building was in.  The Board also discussed the cemetery property in Mitchell, SD and will be consulting in the coming weeks with the city attorney on considering an option regarding the future of the EDA ownership.  Much of the time spent discussing New Business items was focusing on the 108 Main Street property.  Information regarding exempt status from the Brown County Assessor, the sale ad information and criteria, and the decision-making process regarding all submitted offers and proposals were discussed.  All proposals for purchasing this property need to be submitted to the EDA by 5:00PM on October 13. Anyone interested in submitting a bid and proposal for use of the property can contact me for more details.  The EDA also received details on outstanding liens on the former Shane’s Tire property from the Brown County Auditor.  The EDA is once again working on getting the legalities all taken care of on this property to have this also available for purchase by those who might be interested in purchasing it.  Finally, I relayed an invitation from GreenSeam to EDA Board members to attend an upcoming workforce workshop to discuss the challenges and opportunities for incorporating and expanding workforce options for our local businesses.


As always, if you have any questions, or want more information on current EDA activities please feel free to contact me.

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