Sleepy Eye ONLINE

Economic Development Authority December Meeting Summary


 by Kurk Kramer, EDA Coordinator

The December EDA Board Meeting was called to order on December 19. The minutes from the November Meeting were approved as printed. I presented the financial reports from the Revolving Loan Fund, Business Assistance Loan Fund, and summary reports of all 2023, and 2014-YTD EDA program disbursements. I also presented the annual contribution for 2024 of $1000.00 to be submitted to Southern Minnesota Initiative Foundation (SMIF). The Board approved this contribution for 2024.


Old Business:

I informed the Board that I signed all documents for the closing of the 108 West Main property. The EDA now owns this property again. There was discussion on what the next options would be for the property. The Board directed me to get a building inspection done before we take any further action. There has been some interest shown from others in this property, so the Board wants to be sure there are no unknowns before moving forward.

I have continued to stay in contact with a couple of businesspeople that have an interest in expanding their businesses to Sleepy Eye. We have done some preliminary building views and continue to look for an appropriate location. These efforts have been put on hold until after the holidays, due to busy schedules.

New Business in October:

Over the course of the past year, during EDA Board Meetings there were topics that were discussed, and suggestions were made at these monthly meetings to address certain aspects of these topics for consideration of changes, revisions, or possible elimination. This included looking at the restructuring of the EDA Business Assistance Program which would include the requirement of having a business succession plan outlined in the application criteria. Considerations on how the EDA Board distributes funds to applicants. Review of the current Sign and Awning Program. Continue to focus on what could be done to address the concerns with the inactive/empty buildings on Main Street. These discussion points were listed for the Board members to begin brainstorming and considering prior to the Annual January Board Planning Meeting. This meeting in January is when the Board sets the goals for the coming year and sets the priorities for the EDA to focus on.

A local businessman has recently made a suggestion for the addition of pickleball courts here in Sleepy Eye with the offer of a substantial donation. Mayor Pelzel shared with the Board some very preliminary thoughts on the topic that was presented to the City Council in December on the consideration of a community recreation center which could possibly include an early childcare center as well as pickleball courts, other recreation facilities, meeting rooms, senior center, and possibly a number of other community amenities.  He is in the process of forming a committee to study this suggestion and see if it would be something that the community has an interest in and would support. At this time there are no specifics on cost, location, design, content, etc. This would be the responsibility of the committee to consider and compile. Any interest in serving on this committee should be voiced to Mayor Pelzel.



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