Sleepy Eye ONLINE

Community Education Update 9/10

Families with preschoolers are invited to participate in Early Childhood Screening on Tuesday, October 1 beginning at 8:30 a.m. at Trinity Lutheran Church basement. Screening is a requirement for children attending public school and the private schools also make use of the results. Screening at 3 is preferred, but a child may be screening between the ages of 3 and the start of kindergarten as required by law. Professionals will check vision and hearing, height and weight, immunizations, large and small muscles, thinking, language and communication skills plus social and emotional development. Early detection of delays allows staff to provide extra help at a younger age.

Appointments can be made by calling 507-794-7873. Register early and forms will be provided and returned at the time of screening.


Classroom driver’s education will be starting on Sunday, September 15 for students who turn 15 by the end of 2024. Another session will be held in January and February. Registration forms are available in the high school principal offices as well as this office. They should be turned in by September 13. A total of 30 hours is needed and students can only miss one session in order to obtain their blue card. Work will need to be made up for an absence.


The first Defensive Driving class for fall will be at 1 p.m. on Monday, September 23. A minimum of 12 has been reached so the class will be held. Sign up early so you can be notified on the procedure to get into the school and classroom during the day. The class is open for those who need to renew their certificate as well as first time attendees. Participation in the class provides a ten percent discount on vehicle insurance for three years.


ECFE classes for families and preschoolers have started for the fall. Toddlers and Two year olds come on Mondays, 5:15-6:30 p.m. and Three to Five year olds attend on Tuesdays 4:30-6 p.m. Some families prefer a daytime offering which is planned for all ages on Thursday, 8:30-9:45 a.m. beginning September 12. A babies class is planned for Saturday, September 28, 9:30-10:30 a.m. Registration is requested in order to prepare materials for the classes.


Other events planned for the month include:

All Day Quilting on Saturday, September 28, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the Sleepy Eye School cafeteria.

Cranberry Festival in Tomah Wisconsin on Thursday, September 26 with registration required by September 18.

Stillwater outing on Friday, October 11 with registration due October 1


The Community Education office is located in Room 109 of the Sleepy Eye High School.  School day office hours are 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., most weekdays. If the office is unattended, you can call and leave a message on voice mail, 507-794-7873, and we will get back to you with more information. Another option is to email staff with questions and to sign-up or

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