Sleepy Eye ONLINE

Chief of Police Report

by Matt Andres, Sleepy Eye Chief of Police

I will cover a few different topics with this article. Since it is September, and school is back in full swing, it is a good time for everyone to be careful driving around school start and school end times. If you see a crossing guard, please keep an eye on them as you approach. When the flag come up, you need to stop. The guards are watching the kids about to cross, and they are the indication of when cars should be stopping. If the flag comes up it is not an indication to quickly drive past. Our guards will and have called the PD with the information, and we will attempt to find and cite anyone who endangers the crossing guards and students crossing.

When approaching a stopped school bus, if the red lights are flashing you may not pass the bus. If the yellow lights are flashing, you may proceed past with caution.

The state of MN has changed the child car seat laws. Any child under 2 years old must be in a rear facing child restraint seat. Children 2 years old to 4 years old must ride in a child restraint seat with an internal harness. Children from 4 years old to 9 years old must be in a booster seat using the vehicle lap and shoulder belt restraints. Any child that doesn’t meet the manufacturers height and weight limits of their car seat must stay in that seat no matter their age. Children under the age of 13 must sit in the rear of the vehicle.

A citizen asked a question that I would like to respond to. I was asked what the proper response was to the Fire Department arriving at the fire station in mass responding to a call. If anyone that has been in the vicinity of Walnut St. SW and 2nd Ave. SW during a fire call out, you have seen the many vehicles that were driven there by the responders. Now imagine you are at the intersection when the vehicles start arriving. Legally they need to obey the traffic laws. Legally you can continue safely as the firefighters run into the fire station. I would ask that any citizen in the area realize that there may be someone’s life on the line and to show preference to the firefighters and wait until the roadway is clear. We want everyone to be safe and giving the firefighters the courtesy of the right of way ensures that everyone is safer; the citizens, the firefighters and the people that are in need of Fire/Rescue.

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