Sleepy Eye ONLINE

August FFA Members of the Month

By: Carmen Lendt, FFA Reporter

Antonio Ruiz is an 8th grader at Sleepy Eye Public Schools. It is his second year on FFA, and he wanted to be in FFA because it sounded cool and he wanted to learn more about what FFA has to offer. Antonio is interested in trying Dairy Evaluation for a Career Development Event (CDE). His favorite FFA activity is games at the FFA Fun Nights! He is looking forward to meeting all the FFA members in the region. One thing he has learned is that agriculture is a very important part of the economy in Minnesota. He is most proud of his Discovery Degree that he earned through FFA.






Samantha Ulrich is a 7th grader at Sleepy Eye Public, and it is her first year in FFA. She decided to join because she thought it would be fun and she loves getting out and doing things! She would like to try the Poultry Evaluation Team for a CDE. This year she is looking forward to getting to do projects, going on trips, and getting to know new people. Through FFA she has learned about different animals, plants, and the importance of agriculture to Minnesota.







Jorden Niebuhr is an 11th grader at Sleepy Eye Public Schools. It is her 4th year in FFA, she joined because she wanted the experience of meeting new people. She likes being on the Milk Quality CDE team because the people make it fun. For her SAE project, she works at a nursing home in Sleepy Eye and prepares food. Her favorite FFA activity is the FFA Lock-in! This year Jorden is looking forward to all of the activities including service projects. By being an Ag. class and FFA, she has learned about how to work together. She is most proud of being Member of the Month!







Officer of the Month

Leisha Martinez is a 10th grader at Sleepy Eye Public. It is her 4th year in FFA, she joined to help out in school and it also sounded really fun. She is the Historian on the officer team, she likes being the historian because she likes making posters full of pictures for the Ag room displays. Leisha is on the Nursery and Landscape CDE Team, she likes this team because her and her brother are both on it and she likes learning about different kinds of flowers and trees. For her SAE project, she does Community Development where she participates in many service projects. She especially liked doing the Food Redistribution Lines where she puts food in people’s cars as they drive through the line. Her favorite FFA activity is the Lock-In! This year she is looking forward to FFA Week and all the dress up days. Leisha has learned that your taste buds regenerate in 1-2 weeks in Foods class. She is most proud to know that her actions are helpful to others!

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