On Tuesday, September 24th, 2024, FFA members from across Region VI gathered together for the annual Greenhand Day and Officer Workshop held in Windom, MN. The purpose of this workshop is to share and inform new members, Greenhands, about exciting opportunities that are available in FFA. Chapter officer teams were also invited to the event and focused on improving leadership skills and communication. The entire day was organized and run by the Region VI officer team, including our own Lucia Martinez Paredes, Region VI Secretary.
During the Officer Workshop, Sleepy Eye chapter officers learned how their skills and talents could be best put to use on the team. They also worked on building teamwork and communication skills while planning activities for this year.
Greenhand members also had a fun-filled day with different workshops presented by Region VI officers and advisors. Workshops included information on the National FFA Organization, official dress, Career Development Events, and communication skills. Members also got to meet and create friendships with other members from across Region VI.
Sleepy Eye FFA had 38 students attend Greenhand Day and 14 members of the officer team attended the Officer Workshop along with advisors, Mrs. Hoffmann and Ms. Emmett, and 4 assistants/presenters Noah Christensen, James Moore, Kayla Hecht, Izzy Kunkel.
By the end of the day, the Greenhands and officers were excited for the upcoming year and all the opportunities that FFA has to offer!