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93rd National FFA Convention Celebrated Virtually this Year

This group of FFA Officers were interviewed by KNUJ during the Virtual National FFA Convention. L to R – Miah Brown, Presley Bauer, Brennen Meyer, Carmen Lendt, Leisha Martinez, Katelyn Capacia, Morgan Hoffmann, Maddi Helget, and Adam Johnson.

Nick Ludewig and Courtney Sellner received their American FFA Degrees during the 93rd National FFA Virtual Convention.

The 93rd National FFA Convention was celebrated October 27 – 29 on a virtual platform. We definitely missed our opportunity to flood the streets of Indianapolis with our blue jackets!

The convention did highlight award winners, American FFA Degree recipients, and service efforts throughout the country.

During Convention, the Sleepy Eye FFA was named a THREE Star National Chapter for growing leaders, building communities, and strengthening agriculture activities that the Sleepy Eye FFA Chapter highlighted in their National Chapter Award application. Three stars is the highest ranking out of 1, 2, or 3 stars being awarded by National FFA.

The Sleepy Eye FFA Chapter had two American FFA Degree Recipients including: Nick Ludewig and Courtney Sellner.

During the National FFA Convention, several of the Sleepy Eye FFA officers took time to be interviewed by KNUJ Radio about their own experiences and activities they are participating in for FFA.

The National Days of Service this year were held around the country, with chapters logging their service projects and hours. Our Sleepy Eye Chapter logged 232 service hours with 6 different service projects: painting pumpkins for the nursing home residents; painting windows at Countryside and the Care Center; helping put up lights for the Holiday Lights in Motion; making cards for all residents at Countryside, the Care Center, and Divine; making posters for the FFA sign on 14; and making cards for the 3rd grade buddies.

“I am very proud of the accomplishments of the chapter and our two American FFA Degree Recipients. I also love that our students are finding so many ways to serve the community this year!” says advisor Mary Hoffmann.

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